7 Dec 2021

10m Tenbox

With 10m again becoming a good DX band, it does not seem right talking about a simple cross-town natterer for 10m!  Mind you 10m is often a daylight DX band and there are plenty of times when it is dark when the band is totally unused.

Derivatives of this simple radio might make an ideal 10m cross-town natterer. Just above 29MHz would be an ideal spot with plenty of space and very low chances of causing anyone else problems. This receiver has heard USA AM stations with just a base loaded whip on the car, although I would not recommend it for serious DX work.

In my mind I see a rig a bit like a tiny Heathkit Twoer (remember these?) with a tunable RX and crystal controlled TX. On a suitable PCB it could make a nice club project. Improvements would include an AF amplifier to drive a loudspeaker and maybe a very simple linear to bring the power up to a few watts of RF.

I cannot imagine the rig costing much more than £10-20. Put it another way, how many cups of coffee or beers will that be?

See https://sites.google.com/view/g3xbm4/home/hf-mf-and-lf/homebrew/10m-am-tenbox .

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