17 Nov 2021

8m experimental licences in the USA

My understanding is that 7 experimental licences have been approved for the 8m band in the USA. One station has already been copied in the UK. With F2 propagation improving and summer Es, it is highly probable that others in the USA will be copied in Europe. 

My own view is that the chances would be greatly enhanced if all experimental stations and beacons at 8m had an FT8 sequence that allowed all to be monitored with one dial setting. This implies that all are within a few kHz of each other.

In the future, 8m could be a really interesting amateur band. If OFCOM can find 2000000Hz of "precious" VHF spectrum for DATV experiments, I hope they can surely find the odd 50Hz of 8m spectrum for propagation research, especially at lower power.

The more temporary permits that are applied for, and obtained, around the world the more useful research can be done.

Small steps....

See https://ei7gl.blogspot.com/ .

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