1 Nov 2021

160m FT8 RX with the active Wellgood loop

This evening and overnight I am monitoring 160m FT8 RX using the Wellgood loop. It was turned on at about 1930z. Early indications suggest it is every bit as good as the coax up to my 2m big-wheel, possibly better. I wonder if it will copy stateside stations later?

The Wellgood loop was a swap for my X80 antenna, that I had not used for many years and was lingering in the garage. I think we both got a good deal. Jason is pleased with the X80 and I am pleased with the Wellgood loop.

After about 25 minutes I have spotted 35 stations with the furthermost RW4PU (3416km).

My loop is just attached to the shack window with Blutak.

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