16 Nov 2021

15m FT8 RX (Tuesday)

As a complete change I am on 15m FT8 RX using the coax up to my 2m big-wheel antenna. The SWR looks quite low without any additional ATU. So far, 28 stations spotted.

UPDATE 1131z: 158 stations spotted on 15m FT8 RX with this daft antenna! 

UPDATE 1213z: 207 stations spotted so far.

UPDATE 1435z:  Doh!! Guess who forgot to turn on the PC charger? The laptop went flat, so I had to turn it on again and check time was synced. 315 stations spotted with lots of USA stations.

UPDATE 1557z:
So far today, 373 stations spotted on 15m FT8 RX with the improvised antenna.

UPDATE 1835z:  403 stations spotted on 15m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1929z:  QRT.

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