8 Nov 2021

10m FT8 RX (Monday)

Shortly, I shall turn on my 10m FT8 RX. This allows me to get on with other things. I can check propagation over coffee later. 

The normal routine here on Mondays is some housework followed by a University of the Third Age Zoom lecture with the XYL bringing in coffee.

UPDATE 0955z:  My gear was turned on at 0853z. So far, 14 stations spotted. Furthermost is ZS4JAN (9366km). At the moment I cannot see evidence of Es. Propagation looks like F2, tropo and aircraft reflection.

UPDATE 1224z:   78 stations spotted today on 10m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1654z:  82 stations spotted with the furthermost CX7CO (11111km). On the whole this has not been a good day.

UPDATE 1918z:   Doh! My PC was on batteries that went flat! Normally I have the charger on, but I forgot. What may have looked like poor conditions may have been my PC just turning off. Stupid me!

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