18 Oct 2021

Mind boggling numbers - NOT amateur radio

 When we talk about the universe, the numbers are truly mind-blowing.

The Milky Way has an estimated 1000000000 stars and at least as many planets. It is estimated there could be 2000000000000 galaxies in the observable universe.

If there are just 2 intelligent civilisations in our galaxy, there could be 4000000000000 intelllgent civilisations in the observable universe!

My brain hurts! 😁 


  1. If you believe in your god, it's best not to think about it.

  2. with numbers such as that you'd expect a few planets were on our level, some above and some below. how many of those on our level would have received our first broadcasts? The first transmissions must have reached out to many civilisations. 100 years plus of radio transmissions; where would they have reached? why we haven't received anything from those on our level or above says something... we are either an experiment by a superior civilisation, at the top of the tree, alone, or maybe we are living with keanu reeves in the matrix. with things how they are at present, i'm going with the latter, and i suppose in that case, the former - its an experiment.
