18 Sept 2021

10m FT8 QRP (Saturday)

The Es season is over. Although there will still be openings via the E layer, these will be more sporadic and short-lived, unlike a few months ago. 

This morning, I am again on 10m FT8 (with 2.5W TX initially) although mostly on RX. Just one spot of me so far by local M0NKR (27km). On RX, no stations spotted so far, although it is only 0852z.

UPDATE 0920z: 4 stations spotted with the furthermost EA1FIR (1263km). The very strong signal report (+4dB S/N) suggests aircraft reflection rather than Es. Other spots have been more local.

UPDATE 1153z:  17 stations spotted with the furthermost ZS6BJU (9116km). 10m is again moving to a DX band.  As time goes by it will get even better!

UPDATE 2030z:  59 stations spotted including a clutch of South Americans. QRT soon.

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