5 Jul 2021

First ever photograph of a person - NOT amateur radio

Photo from Wikipedia Commons
Recently I posted a photo of a man reported to be born in 1746. 

The first ever photo to capture a person is supposed to be a Daguerreotype taken in 1838. This is a street scene and shows a person having his shoes cleaned. This person had no idea he was making history that day! The photo was taken out of a window in Paris. The image here does not do it justice. The man having his shoes cleaned is in the bottom left.

Photography was invented (I believe) in the 1820s. Just imagine if we had had photography centuries earlier. Samuel Pepys would have been busy!

See https://medium.com/thinksheet/the-first-ever-photograph-of-a-person-56ab2142819b .

See also http://www.daguerreobase.org/en/knowledge-base/what-is-a-daguerreotype#:~:text=The%20daguerreotype%20was%20the%20first,on%20a%20silvered%20copper%20plate.&text=The%20daguerreotype%20is%20accurate%2C%20detailed%20and%20sharp.

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