13 Jul 2021

6m FT8 (Tuesday)

Apart from a very brief period on TX (with the V2000 omni vertical and 2.5W) - furthermost northern Sweden, I have been on RX only. So far (at 0748z) I have spotted 9 stations across Europe, presumably by Es.

UPDATE 0812z:  20 stations so far spotted here on 6m FT8 RX with the furthermost EB8AC (2930km).

UPDATE 1029z:  53 spots on RX so far with furthermost 4Z1UF (3580km). The latter looks like 2 hop Es.

UPDATE 1046z:  58 stations in 3 continents spotted so far today on 6m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 2047z:  293 stations spotted on 6m in the last day including the USA and the Caribbean.

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