8 Jul 2021


For several hours I have been on 10m WSPR TX with 500mW. Nobody has spotted me yet at 1400z.

UPDATE 1530z:  All day had gone by without a single spot, despite my 2.5W 6m signal getting to Newfoundland and lots of 6m stations being copied. I was getting suspicious, so I reset the 10m WSPR beacon. Suddenly lots of spots! All very odd. Perhaps something with my timing was off. Anyway, all fine now. 
It seems that every time I try, I get spotted in South America on 10m WSPR. Not bad with a self contained unit (no PC needed) about the size of a pack of cards and a low wire antenna. My thanks to Jay, W5OLF for such a wonderful unit. It continues to give me hours and hours of fun.

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