30 Jun 2021

10m (my favourite band)

My favourite band is 10m (28MHz). This is getting good again after a few poorer years. Recent licencees may not realise just how good it can be. 

Modes like FT8 may come into their own in solar cycle 25, although just a simple antenna and a few watts of SSB is all that may be needed to work the world. 

On WSPR I have been spotted in every continent (including Antarctica) with 500mW and a low wire antenna on 10m in the last solar cycle.

Don't forget that 10m Es (to about 1500km) is often good from April-September at any point in the solar cycle. 10m can also be useful for local natters.

See https://sites.google.com/view/g3xbm4/home/hf-mf-and-lf/10m-operation .

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