16 May 2021


My loop antenna works better than I expected. I stayed off 10m last year mostly as I did not have a suitable external antenna. 

At the moment I am using an old Whizz Loop on 20m-10m. It is easy to tune and just sits on the shack windowsill. I have a better loop that I have used in the past on 10m (see photo).

My guess is the loop currently used is about 10dB down on a dipole. This is an estimate based on the stations I am not spotting. Nonetheless it works quite well for something so small with just a wire inductor about 50cms across. The "proper" 10m loop has a much thicker made of central heating pipe. It is far sharper, but harder to tune, but probably several dBs better.

What has surprised me is it the Whizz-Loop has even spanned the Atlantic several times with QRP FT8 on 17m.

I hope to get a 10m dipole up outside next week. I could make it cover 6m as well.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/antennas/magloop .

1 comment:

  1. Good DX might be something to do with all those crisps being eaten in your room by your Grandson, giving a good ground plane.. :-)

    73 Steve
