7 May 2021

G3XBM website progress

All being well, I shall swap my website to the new format in the next few days. It is mostly done, although I need to find a way of attaching some files and making some schematics clearer. On the old pages, clicking a schematic usually brought up a "pin-sharp" image. There must be a way to do this, but I have still not found out how yet, HI.

At some point I shall swap over, but some pages may not be complete yet.   As time goes by I hope to iron out any omissions or errors.

Please give me feedback on the site when it "goes live". When the new site is ready I shall say so on this blog.

In the end, it should be at least as good as the old site and, I hope, better. Converting the pages appears to have been easier and faster than I expected.

You should still be able to go to www.g3xbm.co.uk  as before. It is just that the pages you see will look different.

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