12 May 2021

70cm FT8 RX

I think there is a 70cm FT8 activity session this evening. So, I am on 70cm FT8 RX with the 2m big-wheel omni antenna.

UPDATE 1712z:  6 stations spotted so far.  Furthermost is ON7ZJ (302km) in Belgium.

UPDATE 1828z:  Now 16 stations spotted on RX with the furthermost DL5EBS (479km). Nobody has spotted my 1W on TX. I have had one QSO with G4NBS (22km). Now GI6ATZ (479km) spotted.

UPDATE 1856z:  20 stations in 6 countries spotted on 70cm FT8 RX this evening.

Stations spotted on 70cm
FT8 RX this evening
UPDATE 1954z:
  26 stations spotted this evening on 70cm FT8 RX.

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