11 May 2021

15m FT8

It is now 0750z. At the moment, I am on 15m FT8 RX using the IC-705 and the tiny indoor loop. 

Yesterday, on 10m FT8 I did not have both pre-amps on. This may have reduced sensitivity and may have resulted in fewer 10m FT8 spots being obtained.

UPDATE 0717z:   No 15m spots yet.

UPDATE 1247z: 17 15m FT8 stations spotted on RX. I am back on the FT817 at the moment. I am suffering horrendous local noise for the first time too. The USB lead from the PC to the IC-705 was introducing noise, although I think it was the external noise that was the real culprit. NN4X (7001km) is the furthermost.

UPDATE 1438z: 30 stations in 4 continents spotted today on 15m FT8 RX with the tiny indoor loop.

UPDATE 1735z: 47 stations spotted on 15m FT8 RX. 

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