12 May 2021

10m FT8 RX

In the last few days I have started to have an S8 noise level on the higher HF bands on AM. Up to now, these bands have been fairly quiet. I guess someone locally has a new gadget with a noisy PSU. 

I don't think it is a problem with FT8. Maybe the noise is on specific, narrow, frequencies? At the moment I am on 10m FT8 RX with the FT817ND and the tiny indoor loop. It is now 0715z and no spots yet.

UPDATE 1510z:  No spots yet.


  1. It might be worth checking to see if there is a correlation between the interference and the amount of sunshine. Someone might have got a solar PV system fitted.

  2. Conditions are really poor today. I have 27 spots so far (it's been 500-600 by now in the last few days).
