25 May 2021

10FT8R schematic and Firefox

When browsing my 10FT8R webpage, I have embedded the schematic from Google Drive. It is a much clearer PDF document that opens without issues in Chrome. However, it has been brought to my attention by Steve G1KQH that this does not work in Firefox. I tried it myself getting this message:

"Blocked by X-Frame-Options Policy

This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.

The browser prevented this page from loading in this context because the page has an X-Frame-Options policy that disallows it."

I do not know how to avoid this. If anyone needs the clearer schematic  please let me know so I may send you one. 

This is a pity as Firefox is a popular browser. I have put the old schematic on as well.

If anyone knows how to overcome this issue in Firefox, please let us know. There may be a way to tell Firefox of exceptions?

UPDATE 0916z: Apparently there is a Firefox extension that may solve the problem. I have not tried it. See https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/ignore-x-frame-options-header/ .

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