21 Apr 2021

Inter G on 10m

Many years ago, the RSGB ran a competition in the quiet years on 10m in the evenings. Even with 10W SSB and a low dipole, I was regularly able to work stations nearly 200km away. With more power, better antennas and modes like FT8 these sort of distances should be easy. 

With 4W of FM and a CB vertical 30km was possible to other locals.

What I am saying is do not neglect 10m when there is no DX around. We have plenty of space and much of the time it is under-used.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/hf/10m_op


  1. Hi Roger,

    I had a reception report from just north of Aberdeen just now (11am) on 10m FT8 with 10w to my loft antenna, so definitely worth pursuing.


  2. I've never understood the obsession with distance in this hobby. "I can't get 1000 miles in these conditions, why bother?". It's completely undermined the simple pleasure of having a QSO. And fewer people being active because "the band isn't open" means less chance of a DX contact for those who do seek out distance.
    More and more, it seems like people look at operating a radio as some kind of *job* rather than something enjoyable.

  3. Local nets on dead bands is a good way of creating activity, and possibly get some DX done.
    Vy 73 de Jan, OZ9QV
