19 Apr 2021

IC-705 firmware updated

Following the instructions in "The RadioToday Guide to the IC-705", I have successfully upgraded the firmware from V1.12 to V1.24. All appears to have gone correctly. The next thing is to get a suitable interface cable from the rig to the PC and try FT8 and rig control.  Some have used cables with ferrite toroids on or isolators to minimise ground loops.

As you can tell, I am taking things very slowly. With my "brain fog" (probably as a result of my 2013 stroke) it is all too easy to make mistakes. Jobs that would once have seemed trivial are now quite hard. Even just unpacking the microSD card from the packaging was a challenge!

UPDATE 2029z:  Since doing the firmware update, a couple of new icons have appeared. The SD card is there, but flashing (why?) and there is an adjacent red circle. I am sure I shall find out what these are soon! I was able to have a 2m FM net OK this evening, but avoided touching anything just in case it all went wrong!  Investigation needed, HI.


  1. Hello Roger,

    Glad you got the firmware update to work. After (checks old logbook) ahem 30years I'm almost ready to get back on the air. I've also treated myself to an IC-705 which hopefully arrives tomorrow, looking forward to it very much!

    I'm afraid I'll be limited to loft mounted dipoles to start with (20/10/6) but have my Raspberry Pi ready so hope to bump into you on FT8 soon!

    We're in a bit of a hole here, but I'm hopefull 6m Es might prove interesting.

    Loook forward to finally making contact soon,

    Jonathan G4IVV

  2. All the best Jonathan. On bands like 10m, you may be surprised how well loft antennas can be. Keep as far as possible from metalwork and wires. A 10m dipole is under 17 feet long.

  3. On 6m Es I am sure you will work loads of Europeans in the months ahead. You might well work the USA with 10W and a loft dipole on 10m SSB, especially in the autumn.
