1 Apr 2021

IC-705 antenna tuner

The ICOM AH-705 auto ATU sells for about £300. It is not small and not low cost. They do not even guarantee it is water and dust proof and they do not even quote the worst-case VSWR it can match. 

In my view this is not a great auto ATU. I have no plans to buy one.

See https://www.icomjapan.com/support/manual/3231/

1 comment:

  1. Good morning Roger.
    Thank you for your reply to my enquiry regarding the supplied Firmwear on your 705.
    I had thoughts on buying an IC 705, together with the ATU. But yesterday I watched a video on YouTube by Waters and Stanton. In the video it was said that Icom do not recommend using the tuner with an Endfed Halfwave antenna. This clearly suggestes that it’s matching capability is very limited. You also make some very valid comments regarding this product. I will look for an alternative tuner...
    I’m sure you will enjoy your IC 705.
    Kind regards.
    John - GW3OIN.
