16 Apr 2021

Home video conversion - NOT amateur radio

Like many, we had lots of VHS and Video 8 tapes, but no way to play them! A few weeks ago I had these converted to DVD. Later today I hope to copy these to the PC as a backup. Later, I will copy these to flash drives for our sons who feature a lot. Many of these have not been seen for years! 

We should have done this years ago, but I suspect, like many, we were nervous of sending these precious memories away. What if they were lost? 

In the end, we used a company called EachMoment who were excellent. At every stage of the process we were kept informed. The resulting DVDs came back with the original tapes about 2 weeks later. Thankfully, even after all these years, they copied fine.

I would have no hesitation using them again.

See https://eachmoment.co.uk/

1 comment:

  1. Roger, so glad you posted that link. We have a heap of stuff here for conversion.
    Many thanks indeed.
    Finbar EI0CF
