6 Apr 2021

2m FT8 QRP (Tuesday)

At the moment I am on 2m FT8 QRP with 2.5W and the big-wheel omni antenna. So far, I have been copied by 6 stations on TX with the furthermost GI6ATZ (479km). On RX 9 stations spotted with the furthermost 2E0ERL (192km). I called him, but my 2.5W was not enough!  It is now 1555z.

UPDATE 1719z:  1 QSO so far. 15 stations spotted on RX with the furthermost DG1KKD (472km). 8 stations spotted my QRP on TX.

1 comment:

  1. sorry i didn't hear you, i will listen out for you again,

    ray carpenter (2e0erl)
