18 Apr 2021

10m FT8 RX

At 1419z, I turned on the FT817ND and the indoor loop tuned to 10m  As yet (it is now 1432z), no spots. 

The sunspot count is slightly lower than yesterday and conditions more disturbed.

UPDATE 1730z:  Just G0LRD spotted here and on PSKreporter by me. A PY seen mid afternoon, but this doesn't appear on PSKreporter. Overall, this has been disappointing. I'll give it a bit longer before QSYing.  Looking at all the results David G0LRD has got (111 10m spots!!) he is certainly being widely spotted on 10m FT8 today. Not sure what David is using for antenna and power.

If you are looking for a 10m grabber, check this one out in Alaska at http://kl7l.com/28Alaska00000.jpg . If you know of others, please let me know. I see there is a 10m QRSS grabber at https://qsl.net/g4iog/ .

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