3 Apr 2021

10FT8R - 10m FT8 RX

Some weeks ago I mentioned that I wanted to make a DSB transceiver for 10m FT8 based on the WISPY rig that I designed some years ago for 10m WSPR. In the coming years 10m should return to form as a great DX band. In every Es season single hop DX up to about 1500km should be possible.

All being well, I hope to start on the RX section later today. This RX is very simple and should allow me to monitor 10m FT8 RX without having to use the "big rig".

The photo show the original WISPY RX.

UPDATE 1506z: A start has been made. Some of the "meSQUARES" pads have been stuck down. I am thinking that "little and often" is my best approach. Years ago I would have done the lot in one go! See http://www.qrpme.com/?p=product&id=MeSl

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