5 Mar 2021

Earth-mode VLF blog

On my old website I have a blog about my experiments many years ago with VLF "earth-mode"  communications using 5W. 

As the page is very old, I cannot guarantee links work. The links on the left of that page are very old especially and should not be used as this was my old website that is not maintained.

Earth-mode is a form of VLF experimentation that does not need high power or big antennas. It is at the frontier and is open to all. 

My understanding is no licences are needed for this form of communications based on conversations with OFCOM many years ago. This is not a legal statement, just my interpretation. 

For radiated VLF communications I think those in the UK need an NoV, whereas in many countries below 8.3kHz is a free for all. As very special techniques are needed for amateur VLF radiated reception, I think the chances of being intercepted are very small.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp/Home/earthmode

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