18 Mar 2021

Chinese electric commuter car - NOT amateur radio

The Chinese have launched a very low cost electric car aimed at commuters. It is a joint venture with General Motors. It is outselling Tesla cars by about 2:1. The standards in China are much lower than in Europe and the USA. At the moment it is only on sale in China.

It seems to me they have got their marketing spot on. In the west we have not got our electric car marketing correct. Our cars have (generally) got insufficient range for long distances and yet are far too expensive.

In what appears to be a stupid move, the UK government has today reduced the grant on electric cars under £35k and withdrawn it totally for cars over £35k. So much for encouraging us to go green!

In my view, the UK should launch a no frills electric car that fits the commuter range and can be charged at home. The government could actively encourage sales of these by strongly subsidising low cost electric cars made in the UK designed for commuters and local shopping trips.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-56178802 .


  1. A 3.5K car priced to buy in China sounds great! But by the time it comes up to UK safety standards, the dealer has his bit and VAT and other surcharges are added it will be a £7000+ car..

    73's Steve

  2. Even then it would still be low cost for a car.

  3. I'll stick to my Volvo for now, average lifespan of over 20 years! So if I buy another petrol Volvo in another 3 or for years or so it may see me out?


    73's Steve
