17 Mar 2021

Astra- Zeneca Covid-19 Vaccine - NOT amateur radio

I am deeply puzzled by some EU nations. I voted to stay in the EU in 2016, but am now convinced we did the correct thing leaving! They seem protectionist and slow beyond words!

Both the European Medicines Agency and the WHO have declared the AZ vaccine safe, yet still some nations insist on a pause. In the meantime many people will die and even more will be more vaccine-averse in months to come. 

Surely investigate if you must, but do not in the meantime pause vaccinating people who so desperately need it. This stinks of crass stupidity on a massive scale. Sour grapes?


  1. Hello Roger, normally I don't comment too much on these matters. However, my XYL just had the astra zeneca vaccin last sunday. She felt very ill in the evening and the day after, like having a flu including a fever. It is wednesday now, she feels better. Of course most people have no problems at all, and no other countries have reported the problems they had in Denmark. I understand the problem and the reaction to stop vaccinating. It is always something they have to weight on a scale. Will more people die now? Really, if you have the vaccine you can still get covid-19 and you can still be contagious. The only thing is that you don't probabely end on a intensive care in hospital because your body knows what to do when you had the vaccination. Most people think that you can't get covid-19 after you have the vaccine. It is all overestimated. Hopefully our country will be using the astra zeneca vaccin again next week. Wish you and yours a good health, stay safe. 73, Bas

  2. Thanks Bas. I am concerned that whilst the pause on the vaccine is in place people can get very seriously ill with Covid and sadly some will die. I know the vaccines do not stop you getting Covid, but my understanding is that the chances of dying are very very low.

  3. As I understand it, part of the problem with people getting (symptomatic) COVID after the vaccination is that some people believe i magic, i.e. that the vaccine works instantly, and then change behaviour immediately. I think we know well enough, that is not the case. After the first shot we should consider ourselves unprotected for 2 weeks, and then the protections will build.
    ALso, from the data I have seen, the protection against being infected is not 100%, after a full vaccination (normally the 2-shot regime) and the build-up, the protection against being infected is more than 80%, essentially for all the approved vaccines. What it means is that until we reach herd immunity (about 70-80% vaccinated or infected) we should still take the usual precautions.
    Re.: The suspension of the vaccinations I would suspect that it will resume soon, and since the program is more dependent on supplies - which have been coming at an unnervingly slow pace - I suspect that the program will suffer more from the delay in supply than from the suspension. - 73 de Jan
