7 Mar 2021

Ailunce HS2

This radio, the Ailunce HS2, costs just under £650. The adverts don't mention the power (at least I couldn't find it), which I assume is 5W.  It is available from Radioworld in the UK Midlands. 

At this price, it must be Chinese. I would be concerned about quality control and warranty, although on paper it looks good. As this is preliminary data, perhaps they are testing interest?

As I have said many times before, once the Chinese get interested in this market (will they?) the Japanese will really notice.

It is much smaller than it looks. At a guess I'd say it looks FT817 sized.

1 comment:

  1. Here is a link to the manual
    (aspiration or reality?)

    It seem to have up to 20w power on HF and 5w for VHF and AM (but may depend on voltage supply?)

    Limited 60m band and no 70MHz band

    Has built in tuner, GPS and Bluetooth

    It might prove to be an interesting radio in due time and half the cost of IC 705

