10 Mar 2021

70cm FT8 QRP (V) Wednesday

Just did a quick test and the VSWR with the FT817ND and big-wheel was high, so I have connected the V2000 vertical up instead.  Now on 70cm FT8 with 2.5W and the V2000 vertical

I intend to use this from 1700z this evening with a short break for the CDARC net on 145.55MHz FM at 2000z. I may try the latter on 2m FM with the FT817ND to see how it performs (I did).

UPDATE 1647z: No spots. I guess my chance of any spots on 70cm FT8 is low until 1700z as there will be few on at the best of times. My own view is that DX via troposcatter or aircraft reflection might be better on 70cm  than on 2m. For this we need activity.

UPDATE 1938z: 11 stations spotted so far with the furthermost PD1JFB (306km). 2 QSOs so far on 70cm QRP FT8.

UPDATE 2056z: 13 stations spotted with 4 Dutch stations despite my vertical antenna.

UPDATE 2230z: Now QRT. In all, a very decent, respectable, evening with 2.5W and a vertical omni antenna. The furthermost on TX was a spot by G7WIR (98km). The map shows the stations spotted here on 70cm FT8 RX this evening.


  1. Yes, apart from some contests, 70cm ft8 activity in Holland is low. But i had some amazing results with my modest 10 watt station past year. Sometimes aircraft scatter. Sometimes tropo. Often nothing. Cheers Roger. 73 Ron pa2rf

  2. OK Roger, I saw you via pskreporter while doing the contest. I worked 10 'ft8 70 cm' stations. Unfortunately this time no UK stations (alltough I did receive some). One QSO with Belgium. 73 Ron pa2rf.blogspot.com
