10 Mar 2021

70cm FT8 activity contest tonight

Ron PA2RF has reminded me there is a 70cm FT8 activity contest this evening. I shall definitely be on RX with the 2m big-wheel and may be on TX with 2.5W. The contest starts at 1700z and exchanges are just reports and Maidenhead locators. We are asked not to use the FT8 contest mode!

I have no idea about FT8 usage on 70cm on normal days.

On 70cms the main FT8 frequency is 432.174MHz in Europe.

See https://www.ft8activity.eu/index.php/en/

See https://rsgb.org/main/operating/band-plans/vhf-uhf/432mhz-band/


  1. Good to see you picked up my info. I will participate as well. Who knows we will meet. I did have qso with 70 cm VK stations near the North sea last month...

  2. Well VK on 70cm would be REALLY impressive!
