13 Mar 2021

17m FT8 QRP (Saturday)

At about 1000z, I turned on my 17m FT8 gear with 2.5W and the tiny indoor loop. It is 1016z and so far 5 stations have already spotted me on TX and I have spotted 34 stations already on 17m FT8 RX including South America - PY1KS (9366km). 

UPDATE 1024z: 50 stations spotted on RX.

UPDATE 1530z: 312 stations spotted on RX and 16 stations have spotted my QRP on TX.

Stations spotting
my QRP TX today
UPDATE 1650z: 345 stations spotted on RX and 17 stations have spotted my QRP on TX.

Stations spotted
on RX today
UPDATE 2139z:
369 stations spotted today on RX. 19 stations spotted my QRP FT8 today on TX. Now QRT.  I am totally amazed how many stations spotted my QRP today considering how tiny the indoor loop is. I have still to try thicker wire for the loop, which should improve results still further.

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