3 Mar 2021

10FT8R - 10m receiver for FT8

As my fine motor skills are not as good as they were, I have decided to start with a receiver based on WISPY for 10m FT8 using 14.040MHz crystals pulled very slightly to 14.037MHz and a Polyakov mixer.  Polyakov mixers need oscillators running at half the received frequency. This also means the radiated signal from the oscillator is very low.

At some point later, I will extend this to a full FT8 transceiver. The receiver will work with free WSJT-X software running on the PC.

As 10m gets better, the whole world should be spotted on a receiver that is unbelievably simple costing the same as a few drinks out.  Of course during the Es season 10m is good out to about 1500km at any point in the sunspot cycle, so this RX may be used at other times too without tying up the "big rig".

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