3 Feb 2021

No 472kHz TX this season

For the first time in many years, I have not been on 472kHz WSPR TX this year. 

Although the real reason is laziness, I blame it on not replacing the wire used on my earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground. 

Although my transverter puts out about 12W into 50 ohms, my measured ERP is about 5-10mW only. Despite this, I was copied up in Norway most nights last season on WSPR.

Others who have built the transverter have had transatlantic WSPR spots on 472kHz (630m). This is one of the most simple ways of getting on 472kHz TX. My "antenna" might not be the greatest, but it does work and the neighbours, and XYL,  don't even know it is there! 

I have also used the earth-electrode "antenna" on 160m, 80m and 60m with success. It should also work on 2200m TX although I have not tried this.

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