5 Feb 2021

New radios

Some people just have to buy the latest radios. Some of us buy new radios infrequently. At the moment there seem fewer radios on the market at a price I can justify.

If I was buying a radio for the future I would probably consider the IC-705 from ICOM or the more expensive FTDX10 by Yaesu.  These are sold by the major dealers.

Neither are what I really want either as a result of price or bands. I am a dedicated QRPer and 10W would be fine.  As I said earlier in the week, the FTDX10 does cover 4m, but does not cover 2m and 70cm. The FTDX10 does have an internal auto-ATU, whereas the IC-705 does not. The IC-705 does have a few things not on the FTDX10 such as Bluetooth and GPS.

I guess one question is how often would these features be used? 

My ideal radio? IC-705 with 4m and an internal auto-ATU at a lower price.

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