9 Feb 2021

70cm activity contest this evening

70cm 10W SSB QSOs
this evening
Being the second Tuesday in the month, this evening is the February leg of the RSGB organised activity contest on 70cm (UKAC). These start at 2000z and last for up to 2.5 hours. Usually I am on for far less than 1 hour with my 10W and 2m antenna (I use a 2m (144MHz) big-wheel omni that seems to match OK at 70cm).

Activity levels on 70cm SSB are better than most times, although with a lack of /P stations is a pity. Unlike many contests, these don't feel like contests and are very friendly. Despite my poor set-up on the band, I seem to be able to work over 100km most times. It is a good chance to work a few new squares.

UPDATE 2102z: 5 QSOs this evening.

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