6 Feb 2021

2m FT8 QRP (Saturday)

At 1457z, I QSYed to 2m FT8 QRP using 2.5W and the big-wheel. 2m rarely disappoints whereas 10m FT8 here was dreadful today. Just a couple of local spots of me so far on TX and no spots yet on RX.

UPDATE 1835z: 1 QSO so far. 12 stations have spotted me on TX and I have spotted 28 stations on RX.

UPDATE 1947z: 17 stations have so far spotted me on QRP TX and 30 stations on RX. I am still puzzled by some of the very long paths: every day I seem to be copied in EI at great range: this seems far too random to be aircraft reflection, so I wonder if FT8 allows some other sort of scatter to be possible even with QRP.

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