5 Jan 2021

KW2000 series

When I was at the University of Liverpool (1967-70) we had a very good amateur radio society with the call G3OUL. A member at the time was Ian Vance G3WMS who later headed a major electronics company. I think he was made an MBE too.

Whilst there we had a KW2000. At the time we thought it was wonderful. I can recall working some impressive DX with it. I cannot remember the antenna we had, but I don't think we had a beam.  In the following years, we had a later version of the KW2000 and a KW linear. I think the original version was 90W pep. There was an article in Short Wave Magazine on the KW2000B.

I took my morse test in the Liver Building and used an El-Bug on CW with the KW2000. I also recall working ZB2VHF on 4m AM from the club on 70.26MHz with 4W.

See http://www.radiomanual.info/schemi/Surplus_Radioamateur/KW_Electronics_KW-2000B_review_1971.pdf


  1. I have one a 2000A model..

    G8KW Rowley Shears and G5KW Ken Ellis started the company mid 1950's..

    Again Japan got in on the Amateur act and the KW equipment just couldn't compete.

    Sadly Decca bought it all out late 70's and just got rid..

    73's Steve

  2. My FT-301D looks quite similar except all black cabinet.
