16 Jan 2021

"A journal of the plague year" by Daniel Defoe - NOT amateur radio

For Christmas, my wife bought me this book.  Although things were very different in 1665 (and the death toll higher then), it is surprising just how similar things were to the current pandemic. It is available in many formats from Amazon.

Earlier, I read Defoe's book about his trip around Britain, which was fascinating.

This book on the plague was harder reading, but worth it.

See https://www.amazon.co.uk/Journal-Plague-Year-Illustrated-Daniel/dp/B086M2VZYN

1 comment:

  1. Yes they used to throw the pee pot from the upstairs window over someones head as they walked up the street. :-)

    No sanitation or running water..

    No wonder they died of mystery illnesses :-(

    73's Steve
