14 Jan 2021

15m FT8

At 0854z I went on 15m FT8 with 2.5W and the tiny indoor loop. 

So far (0935z), 8 RX spots. It is a dreadful day outside: cold and rainy. 

I get the feeling 15m is only just open today. I have seen far better days. 

UPDATE 1322z:  9 spots of my 2.5W QRP FT8 so far.

UPDATE 1526z: 16 spots of my 2.5W with the furthermost K1CA (5246km). On RX 156 stations spotted with the furthermost YB3LZ (12245km).

UPDATE 1925z: 26 spots of my 2.5W to the indoor loop antenna today on 15m FT8 TX. 

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