8 Jul 2020

Oscar 100 (geosynchronous) update

Every few weeks I try to give an update on activity levels on Oscar 100. I do this by checking the online SDR at Goonhilly Down in Cornwall.

My latest look suggests that activity levels are still quite low. To be honest activity levels look lower than the last time I looked. This is not scientific, more of a quick look to see how things are going.

It seems to me that people enjoy the challenge of getting a signal through the device then lose interest.

UPDATE 0856z:  On the narrowband section there were only 2 active stations just now!  I am quite surprised how quiet things are. I bet if there was a "black box" ŧhere would be far more activity. These days there are few real experimenters sadly.

See https://eshail.batc.org.uk/nb/

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