9 Jun 2020

SPAM comments - NOT amateur radio

Just a few minutes ago, I permanently deleted a comment on one of my blog entries posted today. This had absolutely no relevance.  As soon as such posts are seen they get deleted. SPAM posts have no place here. If any get through, please let me know so I can deal with them.  Most times they are deleted very fast, but some may creep through.


  1. Hello Roger, I did receive a few spam comments lately on my blog. Now I enabled moderation, which I do not like, but it seems to be necessary. 73 Paul

  2. Hello Roger, On my Blogger account I can select a list of all comments and then indicate one by one, which comments are SPAM. For me it is a sport to delete the SPAM as soon as possible. I onces received 8 spam messages on 8 different Blog entries. (How dare she!!) It took me less than a minute to delete all by 8 time clicking on SPAM. hi. Good luck. 73, Bert
