13 Jun 2020

6m FT8 today

Just before 0600z 6m FT8 was turned on. As usual I was running 10W to the V2000 vertical omni antenna. The photo shows another view of the shack.  So far, at 0630z, 37 stations have spotted me right across Europe. No QSOs yet.

UPDATE 0808z:  Spotted by 100  different stations so far. A QSO with an SP9 could not be completed.

UPDATE 0956z:  173 different stations have spotted me today so far.

UPDATE 1853z:  259 spots of my 10W FT8 6m signal today so far.

UPDATE 2055z: Several European QSOs, but nothing further afield. This is where additional ERP can really help.  Some stations with more power, beams and high antennas may be 20dB up on me. I cannot, and do not expect to, work the DX they do.

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