1 May 2020

Rally News

The following have been received. Again, my apologies if the background makes this hard to see on some platforms, but this is how it came to me. As I have said before, it is safer to assume the rally is either cancelled or postponed until the current crisis is over.

Saturday 2 MAY : CANCELLED

Link Hotel, Loughborough. Non members welcome and there will be a partners' programme. Four DX & technical talks. Costs vary. Full details in January CDXC Digest. Chris Duckling, G3SVL Chris@G3SVL.com www.cdxc.org.uk.

Sunday 3 MAY : Delayed until September 2020


Thorpe Camp Visitor Centre, Tattershall Thorpe, LN4 4PL Open for traders from 6.30am and the public from 9am. Entry is £4 with children under 12 free. Hot and cold refreshments on site and car parking is available within the grounds. More information and bookings to Sylvia or Anthony on 0795 665 4481.

A list of rallies can be found at http://rsgb.org/main/news/rallies/

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