3 May 2020


Looking on this site (in the Ukraine) they have some interesting stuff. Never having bought any, I don't know about quality, warranties etc..

See https://qrpver.com/

1 comment:

  1. Hi Roger,

    Gil, the Radio Prepper has a series of videos on the QRPVer Minion SDR. His initial tests showed it to be great for SSB but he had some problems with CW and digital modes. In his second video, he tells how he overcame this by using an RF choke. The additional filter is recommended and has to be requested prior to order as it is cannot be fitted afterwards. I suppose the reason it is an option is to keep the cost down.


    Now that the Minion SDR has been shown to work well in digital modes, I expect Julian of the Survival Tech Nord YouTube channel to follow this up at some point.
