8 May 2020

Dayton cancelled

This may be old news, but the RSGB news service GB2RS confirms what we all suspected that the Dayton Hamvention has been cancelled.

Many were expecting the IC-705 to be on sale there.  It is often the place where new products are launched. I wonder how Yaesu is planning to counter the IC-705? They have had a year to think about it. If it is like the FT818, we may be deeply disappointed. It would not surprise me if this pandemic made some manufacturers reconsider their involvement in the amateur radio market: is it really worth it?

It would not surprise me if Friedrichshafen was also cancelled, although I have not yet seen this. There are few planes flying so numbers would be well down anyway.


  1. https://www.hamradio-friedrichshafen.com/news/2020/radio-silence-due-to-coronavirus-covid-19/
