6 May 2020

10m WSPR and 6m FT8

It dawned on me that I can be on 10m WSPR TX and 6m FT8 at the same time using my 10m WSPR TX beacon and the indoor loop whilst using the PC, FT991A and the V2000 vertical antenna on 6m.

UPDATE 0815z:  18 spots of me on 6m (10W to V2000), but nothing on 10m WSPR TX (0.5W to the indoor loop).

UPDATE 1100z:  Plenty of spots of my 10W on 6m FT8 but still nothing on 10m WSPR yet. Does this mean my antenna is inefficient or there are now far more people on 10m FT8? I suspect the latter.

UPDATE 1153z:  50 stations have spotted my 10W 6m FT8 so far. Nothing on 10m WSPR.

UPDATE 1320z:  Still no 10m WSPR spots, but 58 spots of my 10W 6m FT8. I actually am surprised not to get any 10m WSPR spots. I know many have moved to FT8, but I would have expected something.

UPDATE 0754z:  The whole day without any spots at all on 10m WSPR. Tomorrow I shall try 10m FT8 with 2.5W to the indoor loop for comparison.

  • UPDATE 2030z:  QRT. 

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