7 May 2020

10m FT8

A short while ago (0540z) I turned on 10m FT8 with 2.5W to the tiny indoor loop antenna.

Yesterday I failed to get a single WSPR spot on the band, so it will be interesting to see how FT8 behaves.

UPDATE 1649z:  Disappointing so far. Just 5 fairly close EU stations spotted so far today with no spots of me.

UPDATE 1844z:  It was a long time coming, but I was spotted by 9A2WB (1429km). Only 5 spots on RX all day so far, mostly Gs.

UPDATE 1940z: 4 EU stations have now spotted me with strong signals typical of Es. Like buses, they all come at once! Probably worth another go tomorrow. Going QRT shortly.

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