3 May 2020

10m FT8 again

On 10m FT8 (2.5W to the indoor loop) and being spotted in Spain and Scotland, presumably by Es.

UPDATE 1327z: 141 10m FT8 stations spotted, 10 stations have spotted me and 1 QSO with France so far today.

UPDATE 1338z:  My 10m band indoor loop is surprising me. Without a full-sized outside antenna it is hard to know what I am missing, but my impression is not much. Already this morning it is copying Es from all over Europe and a few days ago was spotting South Americans. For FT8, the sharp tuning is not a problem and might even be a bonus keeping strong signals and noise off frequency down in level. My impression is it is very little down on a full sized outside antenna. There should be some directionality, although I seem to copy, and be copied, in all directions. Perhaps if it was external this might be more obvious.

UPDATE 1458z:  184 stations spotted so far today and I have been spotted by 16 Europeans.

Stations spotting
me today on 10m FT8
UPDATE 1730z: Now 237 stations spotted on 10m FT8 RX as well as 26 stations spotting my 2.5W to the indoor loop.

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