30 Apr 2020

6m FT8

Stations spotting me to 1300z today on
6m FT8 TX with 10W to the V2000 omni
For a few hours now I have been on 6m FT8.

There seems plenty of Es around and my low power (about 10W) to the V2000 omni is getting me plenty of QSOs across Europe.

In all (to 1305z) I have been spotted by 29 stations and I have spotted 41 stations so far on 6m FT8. Best DX spotted is probably EA8JK (3022km) on 6m FT8 RX so far today.

UPDATE 1325z: Now spotted by 32 stations and I have spotted 62 stations on 6m FT8. I keep getting called by Finns!

UPDATE 1745z: Now 46 spots of me so far today on 6m FT8 TX with 10W to the V2000 omni vertical.

UPDATE 2140z:   QRT.

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