30 Mar 2020

Cheese scone recipe - NOT amateur radio

These turned out very easy to make and excellent to eat. I have made a couple of batches and you might like to have a go.


  • Preheat fan oven to 180 deg C.
  • Weigh out 300g self raising flour.
  • Add 150g of grated cheese.
  • Add dried chives to taste.
  • Mix a little water and milk in a jug.
  • Add water/milk to dough and mix just enough to make a dough (not too wet) when mixed by hand.
  • Roll out dough to about 2cm thick.
  • Cut out scones with a cutter.
  • Add some grated cheese on top of each.
  • Place on an oiled baking tray.
  • Place in oven for 18 minutes.

Take out and enjoy, ideally warm with butter!

The original Tesco recipe used natural yoghurt.


  1. Hello Roger,

    Thank you for your terrific blog.
    You Cheese Scone recipe was passed on to
    my son David, who got cracking straight away
    and produced some, which were quickly demolished,
    with great delight. The next log included
    Cranberries and Blueberries, similarly demonished,
    with lots of butter.
    I have a picture of his first production line output.
    Kind regards Finbar EI0CF GI4DPE

  2. Thank you Finbar. The production line here starts again tomorrow, but will they see the weekend?
